姓 名 |
张先亮 |
出生年月 |
1979年5月 |
性 别 |
男 |
博导/硕导 |
硕导 |
民 族 |
汉族 |
最高学位 |
硕士 |
办公电话 |
13723270965 |
邮 箱 |
zhangxianliang@caas.cn |
招生专业 |
作物遗传育种 |
研究方向 |
作物遗传育种理论与方法 |
工作经历: 张先亮,汉族,中共党员,副研究员,作物遗传育种专业。参加工作后,一直倾力于新疆高产优质棉花新品种培育工作,重点开展北疆机采高产优质棉花材料创新研究,先后育成适宜新疆栽培的早熟优质棉花新品种5个,在高产高效栽培方面也有突出的成绩。撰写专业论文20余篇,其中SCI论文12篇;主持国家、省部项目10余项。工作以来获得省部级科学技术进步奖贰等奖2项,叁等奖1项;获得省科学技术普及成果壹等奖1项。 |
主要科研项目: 1.国家重点研发计划子课题:早熟型油纤饲棉花种质创制及利用(编号:2023YFD2301203-01),2023.11-2027.12,60万元; 2.新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金面上项目:陆地棉GhUBC1苗期耐盐功能及分子机制研究(项目编号:2023D01A015),2023.09-2026.12,10万元; 3.中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项:新疆耐盐碱优质专用棉花新品种(系)创制与鉴定(项目编号:1610162024055),2024.01-2024.12,6.11万元, 4.新疆维吾尔自治区中央引导地方科技发展资金项目:基于“一厂一品”中棉113高品质棉关键技术集成与应用(项目编号:ZYYD2023C06),2023.01-2025.01,600万元; 5.新疆维吾尔自治区博士后和高层次人才柔性人才:优质机采棉中棉113高产优质性状形成机制研究与应用(编号:RSSQ00066509),2021.01-2023.12,30万元。 |
代表性成果: 1. Xianliang Zhang†, Cuicui Wu†, Yutao Guo, Xiang Ren, Yongming Meng, Qi Gao, Fei Zhang, Yaping Wang and Jinggong Guo*. Genome-Wide Analysis Elucidates the Roles of GhTIR1/AFB Genes Reveals the Function of Gh_D08G0763 (GhTIR1) in Cold Stress in G. hirsutum. Plants, 2024,13, 1152. 2. Wei Wei, Jisheng Ju, Xueli Zhang, Pingjie Ling, Jin Luo, Ying Li, Wenjuan Xu, Junji Su*, Xianliang Zhang* and Caixiang Wang*. GhBRX.1, GhBRX.2, and GhBRX4.3 improve resistance to salt and cold stress in upland cotton. Front. Plant Sci. 15:1353365. 3. Jin Luo, Meili Li, Jisheng Ju, Han Hai, Wei Wei, Pingjie Ling, Dandan Li, Junji Su, Xianliang Zhang*, and Caixiang Wang*. Genome-Wide Identifcation of the GhANN Gene Family and Functional Validation of GhANN11 and GhANN4 under Abiotic Stress. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 1877. 4. Li Yang†, Xingxing Wang, Fuyong Zhao†, Xianliang Zhang, Wei Li, Junsen Huang, Xiaoyu Pei, Xiang Ren, Yangai Liu, Kunlun He, Fei Zhang, Xiongfeng Ma*, and Daigang Yang*. Roles of S-adenosylmethionine and Its Derivatives in Salt Tolerance of Cotton. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(11), 9517. 5. Xin Zhou†, Ling Su†, Rui Tang, Yuxuan Dong, Fei Wang, Rong Li, Quanliang Xie, Xianliang Zhang*, Guanghui Xiao* and Hongbin Li*. Genome-wide analysis of Hsp40 and Hsp70 gene family in four cotton species provides insights into their involvement in response to Verticillium dahliae and abiotic stress. Frontiers in Genetics, 2023, 14:1120861. 6. Ling ling Dou†, Zi han Li†, Hui qin Wang†, Huai Zhu Li, Guang hui Xiao* and Xian liang Zhang*. The hexokinase Gene Family in Cotton: Genome-Wide Characterization and Bioinformatics Analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:882587. 7. Cai xiang Wang†, Qi Ma†, Xiaoyu Xie, Xianliang Zhang, Delong Yang, Junji Su*, Xiongfeng Ma*, Hai Lin*. Identification of favorable haplotypes/alleles and candidate genes for three plant architecture-related traits via a restricted two-stage multilocus genome-wide association study in upland. Industrial Crops and Products,2021,177, 114458. 8. Junfang Li†, Xianliang Zhang†, Lingling Dou†, Wei Li†, Xiaojian Zhou, Yangai Liu, Xiaoyu Pei, Zhongying Ren, Wensheng Zhang, Huaizhu Li, Wenbo Wang, Changsong Zou, Kunlun He, Fei Zhang, Wenyu Ma, Haihong Shang, Hongbin Li*, Daigang Yang*, Guanghui Xiao* & Xiongfeng Ma*. Patterns of presence-absence variants in Upland cotton. Sci China Life Sci, 2020, 63(10): 1600-1603. |
奖励情况: 1.中国农业农村重大科技新成果“促粮增棉花优良新品种-中棉113”,证书编号:2022XCP-10,中国农学会,2022年12月; 2.河南省科学技术进步叁等奖,2016年,证书编号2016-J-145-R04/07; 3.河南省科学技术进步贰等奖,2012年,证书编号2012-J-14-R04/10; 4.河南省科学技术普及成果壹等奖,2012年,排名第1名。 5.河南省科学技术进步贰等奖,2009年,证书编号2009-J-014-R06/10; |
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