Wei Shoujun

From: CAAS      author: admin      Count: 2809次      Date: 2014/05/149



Dr. Wei Shoujun                                          
Institute of Cotton Research (ICR)
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
Address: No 38, Huanghe Rd., Anyang, Henan, 455000, P.R. China
Phone: +86-372-2525309
Fax: +86-372-2562256
E-mail: ccriwei@sohu.com
Website: www.cricaascaas.cn/en

Education Background
Wei Shoujun, received his BSc degree in Agronomy from the Beijing Agricultural University, and his PhD in Crop Genetics and Breeding from Nanjing Agricultural University, China.


Research Area
He is Principal Investigator of cotton seed science and cotton fibers at the Cotton Quality Supervision and Testing Center (Anyang), Vice director of The Lab. of Risk Assessment of Cotton Products (Anyang), Ministry of Agriculture, P.R.China.